Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Baptis Bandung

Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Baptis Bandung berdiri sejak 6 April 1993 berlokasi di Bandung, Jawa Barat, tepatnya berletak pada Jl.Wastukencana No.52
Bandung Baptist Theological Seminary have been established in 6 April 1993. our location in Bandung, West Java. Indonesia. Fix located in Jl.Wastukencana No.52. Bandung
Email :
Web :
Contact Person : +62 22 4213427

Our Vision :
To equip Christian Leaders learning to love and to lead others into life changing experiance in Christ.
Melengkapi para pimpinan kristen belajar mengasihi dan memimpin orang lain kedalam kehidupan yang diubahkan dalam Kristus.

Our Mission :
We want to equip Christian Leaders to :
  • Be complete Christian Educators
  • Become a whole person in Christ
  • Be a strong witness for Christ
  • Be ready to plant new churches

Kami memperlengkapi pimpinan Kristen untuk :

  • Menjadi Pendidik kristen yang utuh.
  • Menjadi orang kristen yang lengkap.
  • Menjadi saksi Kristus yang berani.
  • Siap menanam jemaat baru.

Academic Program :
Bandung Baptist Theological Seminary give students the opportunity to get a theological degree majoring in Pastoral Theology or Christian Education.
Student graduating from STTBB will receive an undergraduate degree in Theology (S.Th.), with the skill and knowledge for ministry in the Church, School and other Christian institutions. Our Seminary has been acredited by the Department of Religion of Indonesia ensuring our education quality.

Our Academic Program :
Undergraduate in Theology
(Sarjana Theologia - S.Th)

Major Jurusan :

  • Pastoral Theology/Teologi Pastoral
  • Christian Education/Pendidikan Agama Kristen
  • Master of Art in Ministry (M.A.)
  • Master of Theology (M.Th.)
Our Sertification have been accredited by the Department of Religion for S1 degree and S2 degree.
Student Life on & off Campus :
Our emphasis on a strong Christian Character development for all of our student creates a wonderful atmosphere on campus. Student interaction with each other, with lecturers and staff, entices a strong bond of accountability and support. Each student is a role model for other student and for entire campus family. This close family bond help create an encouraging and beneficial learning environment. A constructive approach in classroom interaction helps student to learn more effectively. Served by professional and experienced lectures, ministers, and pastors, our education is actual and contextual.

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